10 Advanced Knitting Patterns
If you can knit any of these intricate knitting patterns, you win eternal bragging rights.

Rarely do any of us go searching for knitting patterns that will test our limits ot require the utmost of our knitting abilities. That said, we all want to impress others with our knitting, and the best way to do that is to knit the harder stuff. If you're looking to challenge yourself, there are techniques like fair isle knitting or brioche knitting that will really take your projects to the next level, and these patterns are some of my favorite advanced-technique-utilizing patterns on AllFreeKnitting.
Any one of these is sure to challenge you to the point of ripping out your hair in frustration, but you'll come out of it with potentially the most beautiful piece you've ever made. Start with something a little smaller like the Stack Overflow Cowl and work your way down the list to the Sense and Sensibility Knit Cardigan, quite likely to be your knitting magnum opus.
Stack Overflow Cowl
Lemon Lace Shawl Pattern
Springtime Brioche Baby Dress
Cancun Spa Tunic
Fair Isle Market Knit Bag Pattern
14 Cable Hat Knitting Pattern
Greek Motif Shawl
Fox in the Snow Mittens
Swan's Head Mitts
Sense and Sensibility Knit Cardigan
Up Next:
Two Hour Knitting Patterns
What's the hardest pattern you've ever knit?