7 Novelty Yarn Knitting Patterns
Novelty yarns are fun, but they can be tricky to find patterns for!

Novelty yarns have a special place in the hearts of many knitters. While they're usually not the easiest things to knit with, they have their uses and can often result in really stunning garments.
These unique and eye-catching yarns are so much fun to work with, and they're great at grabbing the attention of hungry yarn shoppers. But once you've got the yarn in your stash, what do you do with it?
Certain yarns, like boucle yarn, are great for pairing with other, more standard yarns to create a pop of texture. Others, like eyelash yarn, can bring a cowl to life. Some knitters even use them to bring intarsia landscapes to life!
Whatever your stash looks like, these patterns will give you a fun use for your collection of novelty yarns.
Boucle Yarn - Seed Stitch Arm Knit Cowl
Boucle yarn is fabulously loopy. You will probably recognize this yarn by its curls. It is a little tricky to knit with, but once you get a little practice in, it's not as hard as you might think. We recommend using metal needles with this yarn!
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Chenille - Soft Vines Baby Blanket
Chenille yarn is as luxurious as its name suggests. This yarn is often compared to a pipe cleaner because of its soft, fibrous texture. You're mostly likely to come across this yarn in blanket patterns because it's nice and thick and works up quickly.
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Fur Yarn - On the Prowl Cowl
Fur yarn is as extravagant as it gets. If you're new to knitting with novelty yarns, this one is particularly tricky to get the hang of knitting with, so we recommend this more for folks who are experienced with finicky yarns.
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Plarn - Plarn Crochet Scrubbies
If you've never worked with plarn before, you're in for a treat! It is so fulfilling to crochet with plastic bags that would have otherwise ended up in the garbage. In fact, this is a completely free project to make because you probably already have plastic bags lying around the house!
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Scrubby Yarn - How to Knit Scrubbies
Scrubby yarn has a special place in the hearts of many yarnies. This scratchy yarn is good for basically one thing -- making extra scrubby dishcloths. If you've never worked with scrubby yarn before, check out this video tutorial for how to make your very own scrubbies:
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Eyelash Yarn - Russian Rose Knit Cowl
Much like fur yarn, eyelash yarn is a particularly tricky beast. This yarn is great for adding an extra touch of decorative flair to your work. This cowl pattern is a great example of how eyelash yarn can take a pattern from beautiful to stunning!
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Sashay Yarn - Little Flamenco Dancer
While Sashay yarn's day has come and gone, it's still around, and you can still make the absolutely adorable patterns that come with it, like this Flamenco dress pattern.
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