How to Do the Wrap On Cast On
Learn how to cast on with one of the easiest methods available!

Much like the backwards loop cast on, this easy cast on method can be completed using only loops made by your thumb. The difference is that, rather than beginning in the middle of your work, this cast on method is used for beginning a knitted piece. While not exceedingly stretchy, this cast on is great for beginners who just want to jump into knitting their first scarf. It's also extremely quick to complete, making it perfect for projects where you have to cast on hundreds of stitches.
Step 1: Make a Slip Knot
Begin by making a slip knot and placing this on one of your needles. The tail does not have to be long, but leave enough of a tail to easily weave into your project later on.

Step 2: Prepare the Yarn
Wrap the working yarn around your thumb by scooping it up. It may help to hold onto the lower portion of the working yarn with your ring finger and pinky to help keep tension.

Step 3: Slip the Loop Onto the Needle
Insert your needle upward into the loop on your thumb in order to create your second cast on stitch. Note that your slip knot counts as your first cast on stitch.

Step 4: Pull to Tighten
Pull on your working yarn once the loop is safely around your needle to tighten the stitch.

Step 5: Repeat steps 2 to 4
Repeat steps 2 to 4 as many times as you need to complete your cast on. Be sure to keep your tension even as you pull the stitches snugly in step 4.