New Vintage Lace: Knits Inspired by the Past
New Vintage Lace: Knits Inspired by the Past
Written by Andrea Jurgrau
Provided by Interweave
Reviewed by Audrey Huggett
There’s something about summer that makes me want to dig into lace patterns. I think the warm weather makes me want to create something light and airy, knitting without the weight and warmth that I crave in winter. The rising temperature on the thermometer outside made me particularly happy to see a copy of New Vintage Lace: Knits Inspired by the Past, written Andrea Jurgrau, cross my desk. The delightful patterns in this book are absolutely perfect for spring and summer, though you could easily wear them year round.
Vintage patterns have been all the rage recently, but Jurgrau intelligently only takes cues from the past. The patterns in this book are reprints of old patterns; instead, Jurgrau has taken the best design elements from old patterns and created a variety of knitted shawls and garments that will please the modern eye. The patterns are masterfully designed, combining gorgeous lace motifs with well-shaped garments. Each garment features several large color photographs, providing a good idea of what the project will look like as a finished object. I was happy to see that all of the lace charts were large and easy to see.
I thought that Jurgrau’s chapter on swatching was particularly good. She goes out of her way to demonstrate the ways that different yarn choices can change the way that a project looks. Jurgrau focuses on the different effects of colored yarns, but the underlying point stands that yarn choice can dramatically change a pattern. Knitters of all ages will appreciate the delicate lace patterns Jurgrau has cooked up for her readers.
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