Cabled Bus Stop Sweater

Get ready for the new school year by knitting your little one a wonderful autumn sweater, perfect for outdoor play or waiting for the bus. The Cabled Bus Stop Sweater is a fun knit sweater pattern, presenting the knitter with an interesting yet challenging pattern. Since this sweater is child sized, youll be able to wrap up the project before you get tired of knitting those cables. Sending your child off to school in this hand knit sweater is an easy way to show how much you care.
Knitting Needle Size4 or 3.5 mm, 6 or 4 mm, Circular Knitting Needles
Yarn Weight(3) Light/DK (21-24 stitches to 4 inches)
Sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 yrs
To fit chest measurement
4 - 23" [58.5 cm]
6 - 25" [63.5 cm]
8 - 26½" [67.5 cm]
10 - 28" [71 cm]
12 - 30" [76 cm]
Finished chest
4 - 26" [66 cm]
6 - 28" [71 cm]
8 - 30" [76 cm]
10 - 32" [81.5 cm]
12 - 34" [86.5 cm]
- Patons® Classic Wool DK Superwash™ (50 g/1.75 oz; 114 m/125 yds) Pumpkin (12630) 7 7 8 9 10 balls
- Sizes U.S. 4 (3.5 mm) and U.S. 6 (4 mm) knitting needles
- Size U.S. 4 (3.5 mm) circular knitting needle 20" [50 cm] long or size needed to obtain tension
- Cable needle
- Stitch holder
- 5 buttons
22 sts and 28 rows = 4" [10 cm] with larger needles in stocking st.
Panel Pat A (worked over 11 sts).
1st row: (RS). P1. K9. P1.
2nd and alt rows: K1. P9. K1.
3rd row: P1. C6B. K3. P1.
5th row: As 1st row.
7th row: P1. K3. C6F. P1.
8th row: As 2nd row.
These 8 rows form Panel Pat A.
Panel Pat B (worked over 24 sts).
1st row: P4. C4B. P2. K4. P2. C4B. P4.
2nd row: K4. P4. K2. P4. K2. P4. K4.
3rd row: P4. K4. P2. C4B. P2. K4. P4.
4th row: As 2nd row.
5th and 6th rows: As 1st and 2nd rows.
7th row: P2. T4B. T4F. C4B. T4B. T4F. P2.
8th row: K2. P2. K4. P8. K4. P2. K2.
9th row: P2. K2. P4. (C4F) twice. P4. K2. P2.
10th row: As 8th row.
11th row: P2. K2. P4. K2. C4B. K2. P4. K2. P2.
12th row: As 8th row.
13th and 14th rows: As 9th and 10th rows.
15th row: P2. T4F. T4B. C4B. T4F. T4B. P2.
16th row: As 2nd row.
These 16 rows form Panel Pat B.
With smaller needles, cast on 78 (82-86-90-94) sts.
1st row: (RS). *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2.
2nd row: *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. P2.
Rep last 2 rows of (K2. P2) ribbing for 2" [5 cm], ending on a 1st row.
Next row: (WS). *Rib across 3 sts. M1. Rep from * to last 15 (7-11-3-7) sts. Rib to end of row. 99 (107-111-119-123) sts.
Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). P2. (K1tbl. P1) 4 (6-7-9-10) times. K1tbl. Work 1st row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. (K1tbl. P1) 4 times. K1tbl. Work 1st row Panel Pat A across next 11 sts. (K1tbl. P1) 4 times. K1tbl. Work 1st row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. (K1tbl. P1) 5 (7-8-10-11) times. P1.
2nd row: K10 (14-16-20-22). P1tbl. Work 2nd row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. P1tbl. K7. P1tbl. Work 2nd row Panel Pat A across next 11 sts. P1tbl. K7. P1tbl. Work 2nd row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. P1tbl. K10 (14-16-20-22). These 2 rows form pat. Panel Pats A and B are now in position.
Cont in pat, keeping cont of Panel Pats, until work from beg measures 10¼ (11½-12-12½-13½)" [26 (29-30.5-32-34.5) cm], ending on a WS row.
Shape armholes: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 5 (6-6-7-8) sts at beg of next 2 rows. 89 (95-99-105-107) sts.
Dec 1 st each end of next and every following alt row 3 (4-4-6-6) times more. 81 (85-89-91-93) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 5¼ (5½-6-6½-7¼)" [13 (14-15-16.5-18.5) cm], ending on a WS row.
Shape shoulders: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 10 (10-11-11-11) sts at beg of next 2 rows, then 10 (11-11-11-11) sts at beg of following 2 rows. Leave rem 41 (43-45-47-49) sts on a st holder.
Left Front
With smaller needles, cast on 39 (43-47-47- 51) sts.
1st row: (RS). *K2. P2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. K3.
2nd row: K1. *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 2 sts. P2. Rep last 2 rows of (K2. P2) ribbing for 2" [5 cm], ending on a 1st row.
Next row: (WS). *Rib across 3 (3-4-3-4) sts. M1.
Rep from * to last 6 (10-11-8-7) sts. Rib to end of row. 50 (54-56-60-62) sts.
Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). P2. (K1tbl. P1) 4 (6-7-9-10) times. K1tbl. Work 1st row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. K1tbl. Work 1st row Panel Pat A across next 11 sts. K1tbl. P2.
2nd row: K2. P1tbl. Work 2nd row Panel Pat A across next 11 sts. P1tbl. Work 2nd row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. P1tbl. K10 (14-16-20-22).
These 2 rows form pat. Panel Pats A and B are now in position.
Cont in pat, keeping cont of Panel Pats, until work from beg measures 10¼ (11½-12-12½-13½)" 26 (29-30.5-32-34.5) cm], ending on a WS row.
Shape armhole and front: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 5 (6-6-7-8) sts beg of next row. 45 (48-50-53-54) sts.
Work 1 row even in pat.
Dec 1 st at front edge on next 7 (9-9-13-13) rows, AT SAME TIME, dec 1 st at armhole edge on next and every following alt row 3 (4-4-6-6) times more. 34 (34-36-33-34) sts.
Sizes 4, 6 and 8 only: Dec 1 st at front edge only on next 5 (3-3) rows. 29 (31-33) sts.
All sizes: Dec 1 st at front edge only on next and every following alt row until there are 20 (21-22-22-22) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures same length as Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending on a WS row.
Shape shoulder: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 10 (10-11-11-11) sts beg of next row. Work 1 row even in pat. Cast off rem 10 (11-11-11-11) sts.
Right Front
With smaller needles, cast on 39 (43-47-47-51) sts.
1st row: (RS). K3. *P2. K2. Rep from * to end of row.
2nd row: *P2. K2. Rep from * to last 3 sts. P2. K1.
Rep last 2 rows of (K2. P2) ribbing for 2" [5 cm], ending on a 1st row.
Next row: (WS). Rib across 6 (10-11-8-7) sts. *M1. Rib across 3 (3-4-3-4) sts. Rep from * to end of row. 50 (54-56-60-62) sts.
Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: P2. K1tbl. Work 1st row Panel Pat A across next 11 sts. K1tbl. Work 1st row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. (K1tbl. P1) 5 (7-8-10-11) times. P1.
2nd row: K10 (14-16-20-22). P1tbl. Work 2nd row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. P1tbl. Work 2nd row Panel Pat A across next 11 sts. P1tbl. K2.
These 2 rows form pat. Panel Pats A and B are now in position.
Cont in pat, keeping cont of Panel Pats, until work from beg measures 10¼ (11½-12-12½-13½)" [26 (29-30.5-32-34.5) cm], ending on a RS row.
Shape armhole and front: Keeping cont ofpat, cast off 5 (6-6-7-8) sts at beg of next row. 45 (48-50-53-54) sts.
Dec 1 st at front edge on next 7 (9-9-13-13) rows, AT SAME TIME, dec 1 st at armhole edge on next and evey following alt row 3 (4-4-6-6) times more. 34 (34-36-33-34) sts.
Sizes 4, 6 and 8 only: Dec 1 st at front edge only on next 5 (3-3) rows. 29 (31-33) sts.
All sizes: Dec 1 st at front edge only on next and every following alt row until there are 20 (21-22-22-22) sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures same length as Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending on a RS row.
Shape shoulder: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 10 (10-11-11-11) sts at beg of next row. Work 1 row even in pat. Cast off rem 10 (11-11-11-11) sts.
With smaller needles, cast on 38 (42-42-46-46) sts.
Work 2" [5 cm] in (K2. P2) ribbing as given for Back, ending on a 1st row.
Next row: (WS). *Rib across 6 (6-6-7-7) sts. M1. Rep from * to last 2 (6-6-4-4) sts. Rib to end of row. 44 (48-48-52-52) sts.
Change to larger needles and proceed in pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). P1. (K1tbl. P1) 4 (5-5-6-6) times. K1tbl. Work 1st row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. (K1tbl. P1) 4 (5-5-6-6) times. K1tbl. P1.
2nd row: K9 (11-11-13-13). P1tbl. Work 2nd row Panel Pat B across next 24 sts. P1tbl. K9 (11-11-13-13).
These 2 rows form pat. Panel Pat B is now in position.
Work a further 4 rows in pat.
Keeping cont of pat, inc1 st each end of next and every following 4th (6th-4th-6th-6th) row until there are 62 (68-56-76-80) sts, taking inc sts into side pat.
Sizes 4 and 8 only: Inc1 st each end of every following 6th row from previous inc until there are 66 (72) sts, taking inc sts into side pat.
All sizes: Cont even in pat until work from beg measures 11 (12½-13½-15-16)" [28 (32-34.5-38-40.5) cm], ending on a WS row.
Shape top: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 5 (6-6-7-8) sts beg of next 2 rows. 56 (56-60-62-64) sts.
Dec 1 st each end of next and every following alt row 4 (6-7-8-8) times more. 46 (42-44-44-46) sts.
Dec 1 st each end of every row until there are16 (16-18-18-18) sts.
Cast off in pat, dec 4 sts evenly across.
Pin all pieces to measurements. Cover with a damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry. Sew shoulder seams.
Button and Buttonhole Band: With RS facing and circular needle, pick up and knit 53 (57-65-65-73) sts up Right Front edge to first front dec and 29 (31-34-37-41) sts up Right Front neck edge. K41 (43-45-47-49) from Back st holder, dec 6 sts evenly across. Pick up and knit 29 (31-34-37-41) sts down Left Front neck edge to first front dec and 53 (57-65-65-73) sts down Left Front edge. 199 (213-237-245-271) sts.
Do not join. Working back and forth across needle, knit 3 rows (garter st).
Her Version: Next row: (RS). K3. *Cast off 2 sts. K10 (11-13-13-15). Rep from * 3 times more.
Cast off 2 sts. Knit to end of row.
His Version: Next row: (RS). Knit to last 53 (57-65-65-73) sts. *Cast off 2 sts. K10 (11-13-13-15). Rep from * 3 times more. Cast off 2 sts. K3.
Both Versions: Next row: Knit, casting on 2 stsover cast off sts. Knit 3 rows (garter st).
Cast off knitwise (WS).
Sew in sleeves. Sew side and sleeve seams.
Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.
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Jul 12, 2016
Hi - great resource for knitting abbreviations at http//

madelude 9388307
Nov 29, 2015
Please e-mail me the abbreviations for this sweater. I do not understand what T4B or T4F means.

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