
20 Simple Knitting Patterns in Garter Stitch + 5 New

By: Caitlin Eaton, Editor,

Don't you love the feeling you get when you complete a knit project?  And yet, no matter how powerful your love for that feeling may be, it can be challenging finding time to finish everything on your needles.  Thankfully, I've discovered a solution - it's called the garter stitch.  If you haven't heard of it before, the garter stitch is one of the most basic stitches a knitter can create.  Unlike the seed stitch which contains a combination of knit and purl stitches, the garter stitch is simply the knit stitch repeated over and over in each row.  While a simple motion, the result is an attractive, ridged garment that's suitable for use in a variety of projects — including this list of 20 simple knitting patterns

Whether you're a new knitter or advanced, everyone can appreciate the garter stitch's subtle beauty.  As you explore this collection of simple knitting patterns, which ranges from knitting patterns for baby to items for the home and wardrobe, I think you'll discover a new appreciate for one of knitting's easiest textures.

Scarves, Afghans, and Shawls

There are a million different ways to keep warm, but none quite so cozy (or stylish) as a hand-knit project. These simple knitting patterns in garter stitch have scarves, afghans, and shawls of all different thicknesses, colors, and styles, so choose the one that suits you the most. These also make perfect gifts for the holidays so you can prepare your friends and family for the impending winter. Try these simple knitting patterns in garter stitch out and then see what style of scarves, afghans, and shawls you can create yourself.

Kids Knits

Anyone can buy their friends or families cradles on their baby showers. Why not show them they're important to you by making one of these simple knitting patterns in garter stitch? From balls to baby afghans, we have them all. These patterns also encompass children's clothes, so try making the little ones their first handmade jackets and teach them, from a young age, the product of dedicated crafting. All of these simple knitting patterns in garter stitch are adorable, and any child would be lucky to have them, so ready your knitting needles for the young'uns.

Around the House

Our simple knitting patterns in garter stitch aren't just good for wearables. Here, we've compiled for you a few projects to complete in garter stitch that you can keep around the house with you. The best part about knitting for your home is that you can choose your yarn color and design based on the design of the room it's going in. So, by using these simple knitting patterns in garter stitch, you're actually becoming a designer yourself! They will give your house a rustic, homey vibe to truly become a place to put your feet up at the end of the day.


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