
Frost on the Windowpane Shawl

Frost on the Windowpane Shawl

The Frost on the Windowpane Shawl is a beautiful free knit shawl pattern you don't want to miss. Have you ever heard of sequence knitting? If not, this free knitting pattern is a great place to start. Sequence knitting involves repeating the same combination of stitches over and over again to create the pattern on the non-stockinette portion of the shawl. This shawl uses an almost identical amount of your color A and B yarns, so you can knit without waste. Another bonus is almost any lighter-weight yarn will work for this design since it's just an increasing triangle shawl. Try your hand at this unique free knit shawl pattern today and you will not be disappointed with the end result.

Knitting Needle Size4 or 3.5 mm, 5 or 3.75 mm, Circular Knitting Needles

Yarn Weight(1) Super Fine (27-32 stitches to 4 inches)

Gauge36 stitches = 4 inches on size US 1/2 needles, 20 stitches = 4 inches on size US 5 needles

Finished SizeRoughly 56" along the stockinette stripe, 45" along the top, and 64" along the diagonal


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