How to Purl Three Together (P3TOG)

The purl three together decrease (abbreviated p3tog) is one of the more common double decreases in knitting.
Often paired with a k3tog decrease, this stitch is easy to work, and because it's a double decrease, the slant of your decrease side will be steeper than a regular single decrease, and your stitch count will decrease by two.
P3tog decreases are worked from the wrong side of your decrease, but in a piece of stockinette fabric, they are indistinguishable from the k3tog.
Materials List
- Yarn
- Knitting needles
Work in pattern to the point in your pattern that calls for the p3tog.
Insert your working needle into the first three stitches on your needle purlwise.
Yarn over and draw the loop in and through all three stitches.
Sweep all three stitches off of the needle.
You will see that these old stitches stack vertically in your fabric.